Category Archives: Genius FAQs

Train Your Brain Continuously to Increase Your IQ

The human brain is probably one of the most complex organs. It is also one of the less understood by the large public. The way in which the brain functions is a mystery for most people. Yet, there is one thing which everybody knows: an increased intelligence means higher positions in the society and higher incomes form your job. Thus, more and more people are in the search of techniques which will help them increase their IQ effectively and boost their intelligence in a short period of […]

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Stop Drinking and Smoking if You Want to Improve Your IQ

The human body is a complex machine and each of its parts plays a very important part in its good function. Thus, it is quite hard to imagine how a human would have dealt without one or the other parts of its body. However, a capital importance in the body’s good function has its brain. Even the most banal activities, such as walking or seeing are controlled by it. Due to its extreme importance, it is necessary to maintain the brain in good shape and make sure […]

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Proper Breathing Stimulates the Brain and Improves Intelligence

Breathing is a vital process, as no living creature can survive without air. Humans need air too and the amount of oxygen they get influences the state in which the organism is. If the amount and quantity of air that reaches the lungs, and from there inside each and every organ and tissue, is low, than the body will not function at its normal rate. The overall state is bad and the individual starts having health problems. In contrast, if the body gets enough oxygen to preform […]

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