Tag Archives: iq

Train Your Brain Continuously to Increase Your IQ

The human brain is probably one of the most complex organs. It is also one of the less understood by the large public. The way in which the brain functions is a mystery for most people. Yet, there is one thing which everybody knows: an increased intelligence means higher positions in the society and higher incomes form your job. Thus, more and more people are in the search of techniques which will help them increase their IQ effectively and boost their intelligence in a short period of […]

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How Can Diet Increase Your IQ

You probably know that what you eat does not only influence the amount of energy you get or how much fat do you acquire on your body. What you eat has also severe consequences on your health status, on the way in which your skin looks like and last, but not least, on the way in which your brain functions. The influence of your diet upon health, skin and overall look has been extensively discussed in many types of articles and papers. Yet, few people know what […]

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Caffeine and Its Impact Upon Increasing the IQ

Green tea, black tea and coffee have been long known as energy boosters. They were used in order to revitalize the body and mind when they were giving signs of tiredness. Nowadays, many people rely on these energy increasers to give them power to make it through the day. The day of a modern person starts with a large cup of coffee, while during the day, at least one cup of black or green tea are drank to maintain the level of energy as high as possible. […]

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Stop Drinking and Smoking if You Want to Improve Your IQ

The human body is a complex machine and each of its parts plays a very important part in its good function. Thus, it is quite hard to imagine how a human would have dealt without one or the other parts of its body. However, a capital importance in the body’s good function has its brain. Even the most banal activities, such as walking or seeing are controlled by it. Due to its extreme importance, it is necessary to maintain the brain in good shape and make sure […]

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Can Mind Games Help You Improve Your Intelligence?

There have been numerous debates about the different types of activities which are able of increasing the IQ. Many of them were thought to be useless, while others were labeled as highly efficient. About mind games, people have always had different opinions: their fans say that these games have made them see things much clearer and have offered them a simple and pleasant way of increasing their IQ, while those disliking these activities strongly affirm that there is no connection between mind games and improving the intelligence. […]

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A Healthy Lifestyle Is the Key to Maintaining and Increasing Your IQ

For many people a healthy lifestyle means a longer life without any diseases, a fitter body, a slimmer silhouette and a skin with no imperfections. Yet, there is another benefit of a healthy lifestyle: an increased intellectual capacity. Constant physical movement and a balanced diet can make wonders for your brain. This is mainly because the amount of movement your make each and every day and the foods you ingest have a great importance on the way in which your brain functions. Let’s take each of these […]

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Eat Chocolate for a Higher IQ

There is very good news for people who love chocolate: this delicious dessert does more than lighten up your day. The so much loved chocolate is well known for its positive effects upon the human brain, thus now you have twice more reasons to eat as much chocolate as your heart (and brain) desires! Chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants, which make your brain function better. Also, in addition to boosting your intellectual capacity, antioxidants also help your body remain young and fresh for a larger […]

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What is IQ and How You Can Improve It

During the human history, having increased intellectual capacity has been one of the features which distinguished between successful people and ordinary ones. Even nowadays, the intelligence is the one which makes the difference between people. You can probably guess, the intelligent persons have a bigger capacity for learning and observing things, which prompts them towards higher positions in the society and implicitly, better paid jobs. The amount of intelligence one possesses is measured through specific tests. Their results are oftener referred to by scientists as intelligence quotient. […]

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